
This electro-pneumatic panel simulates an assembly line. Component parts move along the assembly line and they are subject to different manufacture processes (drilling simulation, removal of defective components, etc). The plant is composed of a series of pneumatic components with magnetic sensors and solenoid valves, as well as a conveyor belt controlled by an inverter. Registered users can remotely interact with the actuators of the panel, check the current state with a webcam, visualize historic data and load pre-defined strategies, etc. The plant has a range of pneumatic components with magnetic sensors and solenoids as well as a conveyor belt controlled by a drive. The components are:
  • ABB robot and controller. It consists of two structures: a robotic arm and the control cabinet.
  • Conveyor belt which includes:
    • Double acting cylinders
    • Photoelectric sensors
    • Webcam for computational vision
  • Pneumatic manipulator.
  • Classification ramp with 3 lanes for 3 types of pieces. Designed for a queues control system.

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